“There are many wonderful stories floating around in the world.”
Martell smiled warmly at the children seated around his feet, their wide eyes and hungry ears ready for him to continue.
“Yes, many amazing tales and mysterious nuggets of wisdom one can learn, discover, and uncover.”
A hand shot up, a young girl’s. Before he had the chance to raise an eyebrow, she blurted out, “Mr. Remington, What story are you going to tell us today?”
“A good question!” Martell’s smile grew. “Have you heard the one about Ikshi’ra and her pet dragon? How they got themselves in heaps of trouble, but saved the kingdom in the process?”
“Yes,” A freckled boy answered, glum, “You told us that one last month. And it’s about a girl. Girls are boring.”
“No, they are not!” the young girl shot back, sticking out her tongue.
“Okay,” Martel put a finger on his lips, silencing the bickering, “How about the one where Ralph the elephant befriended Yawn the lion and Buzz the fly?”
“We’ve heard that one too!” The boy sighed. “Tell us a new story.”
“A new story? How could I ever do that? Some of you are already ten! I’m sure you’ve heard every story in the whole world!”
“I’m eleven!” A red-haired girl exclaimed from the back.
The boy scowled, thinking, “You just said the world was full of new things. Now you’re saying it’s not?”
Martell laughed, a full belly a joyful thing, “Good! Good, you are listening. I did say that. Let me see… hmmm. Have I ever told you about the smallest yet mightiest Scallionite?”
“No.” The boy’s ears pricked up as one of the youngest girls asked, “What’s a Scale-e-o-night?”
“Have any of you heard of the Scallionites?” Martell asked the group.
Their heads shook.
“Why, how could you have lived this long without hearing about the Scallionites! Have I never mentioned them to you?”
“No!” Half the group clamored.
“So, you’ve never heard of Geode?”
“No!” The freckled boy’s forehead wrinkled.
“Who is he?” The little girl asked.
“Yey! A new story!” One of the kids in the back giggled, “Martell has the best stories!”
“Settle down now,” Martell raised his hands and waited for the children to return to their seats.
“Alright. From the beginning. What is a Scallionite? Why, they are the most fascinating rock creatures! Their heads are gemstones, diamonds, or sapphires, that is, blue or red or green precious stones that shimmer in the sun. They can move around like you or I, or like a snake, or a monkey!”
“Are you making this up?” the freckled boy asked suddenly. “Why, I have I never seen a Scallionite?”
Martell put on his serious face, “I am not. And you’ve never seen one because they were made for a singular purpose. That purpose has since been completed.”
“How were they made?” The red-haired girl asked, “Can’t we just make more?”
Martell sighed, “Ah, the how is very, very complicated. For our story today, let’s begin a little before I found out about their existence. Let’s begin at the birth of one of my dearest friends, Geode.”